Am I doing the right thing?

Please take a seat and a glass of water:)

I am one of the people who wish they were born with a clear manual of how to run this life, cos what tf am I supposed to do with myself?

I am a self-driven person, I know my goals and I try to work and walk toward them every single day. God entrusted me to my parents but I grew up and later realized I can't entirely depend on them. I am expected every single day to make decisions without asking my parents. From a small decision like what time to sleep to a big one like choosing a career path. 

I always view myself as two people in one body. The me that is visible and my beautiful and intelligent inner voice, most probably the one writing this. Allow me to pamper her cos she needs to be affirmed a thousand times in a minute. So, every minute is always a battle between my inner voice and me, is this what the bible says about the flesh and the spirit? (maybe that inner voice is the spirit). A battle of decision-making, one person wants this and the other always wants that, lucky enough, they always end up being in agreement.

There are specific roads that I decided to take in this life, starting from career, relationships, and personality. I most of the time wonder if I am doing the right thing or making the right decisions. I am just a 24-year-old woman who was born the other day for crying out loud. 

The worst thing is, other people always seem to be doing the right things in their lives except ME. Sorry, but I am allowing myself to compare myself with others here cos I know I promised that I am not going to do that. 

You get into a relationship questioning if you picked the right human being, and if you are convinced you did, you end up spending 30 hours in a day wondering if you are making them feel the way they make you feel. Or if the
y think you are a perfect match for them. All this adds up to AM I DOING THE RIGHT THING?

I am trying to come to terms with the fact that life is all about trying to do things, you just need to keep on trying things, from trying to breathe, trying to survive, trying to work or look for work, trying to give education a chance, trying to date and marry. We are constantly trying and doing things, if it works then well and perfect if it doesn't then we try another thing. Sometimes we do things without knowing if it is the right thing, but we do them anyway.

For me, I am going to keep on trying and doing things until the day I will comfortably say I AM DOING THE RIGHT THING.

Do people ever get to that stage? Maybe or maybe not, I don't know

Meanwhile... Cheers to doing things and making mistakes.


source: Wiki how


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