Counseling myself, halloo

 Let me tell you Jepchumba,

I always get home on Thursdays from my place of attachment and feel like wueeh! what did I sign myself up for? 

Let me introduce myself, I am Jael and I recently went back to school to study counseling psychology. To be honest, I chose counseling because I thought I was good at relating with people and I wanted to get a chance to get paid for practically helping people as compared to just helping people as a Christian responsibility. I still think I am good at conversing with others and relating with them in real life, but in therapy, I draw that thick line.

First of all, I do not in any way regret choosing that career path (just in case my parents get to this blog). Secondly, I enjoy doing it. In my less than 100 hours in this field, there is no day I have come back home and felt like 'what tf did I get myself into?" okay maybe once or twice. 

So, my issue is not even my capability or competence to handle the cases that I come across. My issue is; are these clients getting the help that they need (writing this line while laughing). I mean, I decided to do this counseling thing with all confidence and energy without thinking of times like this. Times when I would be needed to go the field, sit down with a client, hear their stories, figure out the kind of approach that I am going to use, and probably see them through their healing journey.

Trust me... I never thought of that.

My first career was in teaching Pre-primary school/kindergarten/Montessori/nursery school (depending on what you are used to) Teaching was easy, you just needed a scheme of work, draft a lesson plan have children in a class, and carry your tough and gentle voice to work and you are D for done.

Counseling is nothing like that, in my close to 60 hours of experience with clients, first, you must act sane even when your own life is crumbling and needs some serious help (monetary help, please send me moneeey). The other thing is being an active listener, knowing how to pick issues from clients, being empathic, knowing how to use a bunch of skills in session, and of course wisdom and knowledge from the heavens.

Did I mention you must read a lot about issues, being a general counselor will have you reading about mental illnesses, marital issues, relationships, loss and grief, sexual issues, how to handle teenagers, drug addiction, HIV counseling, terminal illnesses, marriage and family issues, and personal development among others.

A plus in this career though is THE CLIENTS ALWAYS HAS SOLUTIONS TO HIS/HER OWN PROBLEMS (except for clients with impaired judgment). You are just there to guide them through their decisions, their options and give them suggestions and let them know what you think they are facing depending on their presenting problem.

Wow, you are still reading. Thanks though.

I am actually writing this on a Thursday evening, I think I am a good counseling psychologist and I also know I am somewhere near living my purpose. Definitely looking forward to graduating and getting that job or going back for my degree and maybe a post-grad diploma... you never knoooow. I hope I come back here in five years and wonder what this 24-year-old self was thinking about.

Well, to better Thursday evenings. Happy Easter


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