A letter to myself...

I have seen people write letters to their younger selves.  I have done that and I am sure wherever that baby girl is, she is definitely contented and peaceful. So, here is a letter to myself, I promised myself at the beginning of the year that I would only write good things about myself for this whole year.

Dear beautiful Jael,

How have you been? How is being 25 taking you? Baby girl, you are in your season of success and growth. I love that you have been able to be resilient for the past two months. I love that you are more positive toward life and that you are thriving in everything that you do. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Giiiirl, you are glowing. 

Here is your reminder to keep on doing what you are doing. Keep working hard. Keep doing your best, keep trusting in God, and keep waking up in the morning. Whatever you are praying and hoping for are already on your way. You are not so far away from your dreams and goals. You are doing a great job out there, you are strong and amazing, you are full of power and potential, and you will go far.

Be aware of the fact that it will never be a smooth life out there. Challenges will always be there, you will always make mistakes, you will always let people down, and there will be times when you will let yourself down. All these are okay baby, we learn through mistakes and all these challenges give us good opportunities to grow and thrive. I know you want to be an all-round intelligent person, you will get there, but before that, learn to embrace both the good and the bad.

Dear self, I love your effort, I love your hard work and I love where you are headed. You deserve all the good things in life. I am happy for you. Please feel loved and appreciated. You are an amazing person, You are a gem and you will prosper in everything you do. As the bible says in Deut 30:9  The LORD your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your land. The LORD will again delight in you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your ancestors.

Dear self, spread your wings and let your spirit fly free. You were born to achieve greatness, so go out and seize it with all your might.  


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