What am I good at?

Do you ever ask yourself this? 

Listen, nothing hits harder than not being where you evisioned you'd be especially after school. Kwanza the period after graduation when you do not get a job or you get a job that is either not related to your career or it's just a job that enables you to survive in this hard economy.

So, that's where I am at right now. Finished school three months ago, got a job that is out of what I went to school for and do I even have to talk about the salary?  Don't get me wrong though, I love that job and I am always grateful I got it cos tell me where I'd be if I was to be jobless from day one out of college. 

Since we are here now, I have been thinking a lot about what I am good at. What can I put more effort in that is going to land me better jobs or better opportunities in life? Maybe a skill that I can proudly and confidently attach to my name. I am a counselling psychologist yes, but Am I really good at it? 

You see, the field of counselling psychology is wide and I am not about to stress my brain over a broad variety of knowledge yet I can narrow down to a thing or two. But now that's where the problem is, what can I narrow down to? What am I good at?

Some of the things that I've been thinking about are like writing, being a mental health advocate, focusing on loss and grief, personal development, and a variety of other things. Still, I am in that same process of thinking.

The problem with walking this journey of trying and discovering my capabilities is fear. Fearrrrrr. I'd literally pay someone to cast fear out of me but thank God for His word, I'll use it. Or rather, I am using it. For the bible say that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and of self control.

Fear has held me back a thousand times, but in this season of trying to find my niche, I decided to be intentional with facing it.

So this, is my story about trying and finding what I am good at. I hope I come back here in a few months to say that I found something and I am working on it, or It worked out and I am finally walking towards or in success. 

Till then, I'll keep looking and I'll keep facing my fears.



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