My Problem with Menses...

If there's an after life, I would prefer to be anything but female. They say pregnancy can humble you but my opinion is, being a woman generally humbles you.

Tell me why being on your periods is annoying and so inconvenient. As if having some blood flow out of your body three to six days in a month is not enough, they also decide to come with some cramping, bloating, discomfort, mood swings, back pains, diarrhea, add yours.

That is not even enough, the prices of these period products are insane and that's double price if your periods sometimes go longer than 4days or yours are heavy. And tell me why using a sanitary towel is so uncomfortable. Not just that, it's even hard to find a brand that fits well with your skin. I know other products like tampons and menstrual cups but their prices sha! 

Just imagine a girl from a family that is struggling to put food on the table. A family that cannot afford to buy sanitary towels and some tissues and what if they have no access to enough water?, how do one survive in this situation? The other problem is, these products are even more expensive if one lives in a remote area(I don't know why) and shops sell some funny brands that do not even end up serving you for 8hours. Free pads for girls!!!

Sometimes they show up unannounced so you are left worrying like a nanny who is left nursing a child with a stomachache. Sometimes they come in peace, no cramps, no back pain, just diarrhea and mood swings. Sometimes they decide to show up for 3days exactly and sometimes they decide to last for days as if they are trying to help you beat loneliness. 

My problem with menses is that they come after every month, was it hard to make it an yearly thing? For those who use sanitary towels, the anxiety of having to think about when and where to change is insane.

I don't know how other women keep up and cope with this, over here it's been a struggle, over 10years now and I am yet to be comfortable with it. Send love!


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