The pit of desperation...


As a sound adult, one of the things that I have noticed with myself and many others is being desperate. Life can be hard, and life can be harder for some people and softer for others. And when it fails to be soft on us, we are left running up and down trying to soften it.

As we run, two things might happen. One, we end up finding the missing puzzle and begin to be contented with life and two, we don't find that missing piece and we end up choosing to be miserable. Being an adult is already hard and adding hopelessness adds pain in it.

Desperation in this case might see us doing things that are morally not acceptable which at the end of the day might lead to doing things that are against the law. Morally, say you get into alcohol, drugs and impulsive sex. Desperation according to the dictionary is a state of dispare which can result in extreme behaviour.

Something worse about being desperate and hopeless is when your own family fails to unconditionally support you. And the worst part is your family thinking that your impulsive behaviour is a form of being stubborn and your failure to take responsibility of your own actions. For example, someone who is already a drug addict. They receive a lot of back lash from their families because they are already a nuisance. Keep in mind that drugs alters with the normal functioning of the brain.

The place where I stand today is not far from being desperate and hopeless. Infact, I most of the time have those feelings. I pray and hope everyday that life is going to be even a little bit softer for me. I can't say I have a good life. Compared to others, I am far away from a soft one. I rarely compare myself with others because I am still hopeful that this is my journey. An ugly journey, but at least I am alive, healthy, and I have the basic needs.

I am also aware that, I am at a more privileged position to have them and I am also reminded that tomorrow will always be a better day, there's still light at the end of the tunnel and the sun will rise again tomorrow and I will keep on trying. If we make it to tomorrow then we will make it to that softer side of life. If we do not make it then atleast we did all our best today.

Love and hugs


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