It's my 26th birthday...


Someone said that the pressure of turning a year older comes from the pressure to have it all figured out like that one friend or old school mate.

I have had to affirm myself a lot especially from last year when I turned 25. I had a lot of pressure and stress when I was turning Twenty-five because I felt like I was nowhere near what I wanted to be by that age. 

Surprisingly, at Twenty-six now I feel like I am half way where I want to go. Priorities have changed a lot. There are some things that maybe my twenty two year old self badly wanted and I now feel like, nop I don't want it no more.

Now that I think of it, a lot of things have changed. The things that I wanted five years ago are not the things that I want now. The person that I wanted to become back then is not Someone I wanna be. Some things remain constant though, like the values that I stand on and maybe the type of man that I want😂(this will never change).

My theme for this year is SLOWW DOWN. This means literally slowing down from something simple as doing chores, eating, walking, and talking. I don't know why I am always rushing. I guess it's from those primary school and highschool days when we were forced to take a hot cup of porridge in a few minutes or having to take a 30second bath so that the morning bell won't ring while you're still in the dormitory area. That was trauma by the way.

So yes, I'm trying to slow down in everything and anything that I do in life and this means planning myself well for daily activities so that I won't have to rush.

I also want to slow down my thinking process. I can be an overthinker, over achiever and at the same time being overly pessimistic and anxious. I want to work on one thing at a time, I want to think of one thing at a time and I also want my mind to rest sometimes. This is slowing down in every bit. Wish me luck, or better,  wish me success.

I am also hoping to grow in all aspects of my life and connect with more like minded people. I want to belong in those beautiful spaces with beautiful people who want the same things as me. And the money ladies and gentlemen, I also want the money, lots of it. 

So happy birthday to me. Happy 26th birthday to the most amazing person anyone will ever come across, I am a beautiful gorgeous queen, I am a successful and bold woman. I am worthy of every opportunity that will come my way this year and I am strong enough to face whatever challenges I may face this year. I am a blessed woman and I am loved by God, my parents and my siblings(I don't know about the rest of you all and idc😜)

To a great year with greatness in it...


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